Early Pre-K

The New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) oversees the New Mexico Pre-Kindergarten (PreK) program, a high-quality program that is available to all families with eligible 3-year-old children, regardless of income. The NM PreK program is a key part of the state's early childhood education and care system, providing high-quality, voluntary PreK experiences to preschool-aged children regardless of income.

In FY24, the New Mexico Legislature appropriated $98M to ECECD to enhance and expand the NM PreK program.

The Purpose of New Mexico PreK

  • Increase access to voluntary, high-quality pre-kindergarten programs
  • Provide developmentally appropriate activities for New Mexico children
  • Expand early childhood community capacity
  • Support children's developmental readiness
  • Support linguistically and culturally appropriate curriculum
  • Focus on school readiness
  • Nationally recognized for practicing a play-based curriculum strongly emphasizing social-emotional health and development.


  • Studies show that PreK is having significant, positive effects on children's learning in the areas of language, literacy, and math skills. Children who attend PreK enter kindergarten knowing more letters, more letter-sound associations, and heightened familiarity with words and book concepts.
  • New Mexico PreK was initiated in 2005.
  • Children who learn how to learn early are most likely to reach their full potential.
  • The most significant brain development occurs before age five
  • Quality PreK is an investment in the future of New Mexico's children.

Early Pre-K Cost and Funding

The New Mexico Pre-Kindergarten (PreK) Initiative prepares four-year-old children for success in school through funding from the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD). The NM Pre-K grant provides funding for the Early PreK program day; thus, participation in the Early PreK program is free for families. Care outside of the Early PreK program hours is available for an additional charge.

Eligibility Requirements

Enrollment for Early PreK services will be prioritized based on the targeted communities that have the highest percentage of public elementary schools that are designated as Title I schools and that serve the highest percentage of public elementary students who are not meeting the proficiency component required for calculating adequate yearly progress (AYP) in either math or reading.

Program Hours

For the 2025-2026 program year, the Early PreK program will be offered from 8:45 am - 4:15 pm, Monday through Friday.



The UNMCC will begin accepting online applications for the 2025-2026 PreK and Early PreK year on Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 7:00 am. We will not be accepting in-person applications. 


You will be directed to a link to complete your Early PreK Application. Once you have submitted your application, it is important that you follow the prompts and confirm your email address. If you do not confirm your email address, we will not receive your application. Once you have confirmed your email address, your application will be sent to us. An email will be sent to families confirming receipt of applications. All applications will be date and time-stamped upon receipt. Available spaces will be offered to families based on the day/time their application was received.


Please be aware that any applications submitted prior to the respective times noted above will not be considered.


Early Pre-K Application