Welcome to the University of New Mexico Children's Campus!
The UNM Children’s Campus for Early Care and Education (UNMCC) is supported by student fees and is under the umbrella of UNM Student Affairs. This program is also supported by various State and Federal grants.
The Children’s Campus provides the children of UNM’s student, staff and faculty parents with a high quality early childhood experience. The Campus is a site for UNM student and faculty research, observation and practicum.
The UNMCC is a nationally recognized program that has been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC), Early Childhood Program Accreditation and The Children, Youth and Families Department’s AIM High Program. We are a nationally recognized, five star licensed child care facility with the state of New Mexico
We look forward to potentially serving you and your children and hope that your experience with our services proves to be a rewarding experience for the entire family. If you have any questions regarding the program or options for care, please contact the UNM Children’s Campus at (505) 277-3365 or send an email to:
unmccenrollment@unm.edu for all waiting lists and enrollment inquiries. This includes submitting health screenings, immunization records, student schedules, and all other registration-related documents.
unmccbilling@unm.edu for all billing inquiries. This includes questions about rates, questions about your bill, flexible spending requests, tax information, etc.
weecare@unm.edu for general inquiries not concerning the waiting list, enrollment, and billing.
If you'd like to speak with an Administrator at any point, please feel free to contact;
Daniela Baca (Director, danielah@unm.edu; 505-277-8819)
Lisa Ortiz (Associate Director, lortiz33@unm.edu; 505-277-3365)